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Commodore BASIC  |  2022-08-26  |  5KB  |  108 lines

  1. 10 poke53280,1:poke53281,1:cr$=chr$(13):s$="     "
  2. 11 printchr$(142)"[147][152]"
  3. 12 print"  [221][215][221]"spc(31)"[221][215][221]"
  4. 13 print"  [221]-[221]-------------------------------[221]-[221]"
  5. 14 fori=0to8
  6. 15 print"  [221][215][221]"spc(31)"[221][215][221]"
  7. 16 print"  [221] [221]"spc(31)"[221] [221]"
  8. 17 next
  9. 18 print"  [221][215][221]"spc(31)"[221][215][221]"
  10. 19 print"  [221]-[221]-------------------------------[221]-[221]"
  11. 20 print"  [221][215][221]"spc(31)"[221][215][221]"
  12. 25 print""tab(10)"[152]loadstar forms printer"
  13. 26 printtab(10)"[152]-------- ----- -------"
  14. 30 printtab(8)"1) [151]print submission form"
  15. 40 printtab(8)"[152]2) [151]print subscription form"
  16. 50 printtab(8)"[152]3) [151]return to loadstar":poke198,.
  17. 55 printtab(8)"    [152]press 1, 2 or 3."
  18. 60 geta$:ifa$<"1"ora$>"3"then60
  19. 70 ifa$="2"then2000
  20. 80 ifa$="3"then60000
  21. 90 :
  22. 1000 gosub3000:ifnot(ok)then10
  23. 1010 gosub4000:if(ab)then10
  24. 1020 open4,4,7
  25. 1030 print#4,s$;spc(27)"[211][207][198][212][196][201][211][203], [201]nc."
  26. 1040 print#4,s$;spc(23)"[193]ttention: [211]ubmissions"
  27. 1050 print#4,s$;spc(27)"[208].[207]. [194]ox 30008"cr$
  28. 1060 print#4,s$;spc(22)"[208][210][207][199][210][193][205] [211][213][194][205][201][211][211][201][207][206] [198][207][210][205]"cr$
  29. 1070 print#4,s$;"[212]hank you for your submission.  [197]ach submission receives"
  30. 1080 print#4,s$;"careful evaluation and consideration.  [201]t is our goal to"
  31. 1090 print#4,s$;"publish high quality material that will be of benefit and"
  32. 1100 print#4,s$;"use to our readers."cr$
  33. 1110 print#4,s$;"[208]lease complete this form and return it to us along with"
  34. 1120 print#4,s$;"your submission.  [212]his information will help us in evaluating"
  35. 1130 print#4,s$;"your work.  [208][204]ease type or print clearly."cr$
  36. 1140 print#4,s$;spc(25)"[193][194][207][213][212] [212][200][197] [193][213][212][200][207][210]:"cr$
  37. 1150 print#4,s$;"[206]ame:........................ [211]ocial [211]ecurity #:............"cr$
  38. 1160 print#4,s$;"[193]ddress....................................................."cr$
  39. 1170 print#4,s$;"[195]ity:................... [211]tate:....... [218][201][208]:................."cr$
  40. 1180 print#4,s$;"[212]elephone - [196][193][217]:................ [197][214][197][206][201][206][199]:..................."cr$cr$
  41. 1190 print#4,s$;spc(24)"[193][194][207][213][212] [212][200][197] [211][213][194][205][201][211][211][201][207][206]:"cr$
  42. 1200 print#4,s$;"[195]omputer:   ........ [195]ommodore 64    ........ [195]ommodore 128"cr$
  43. 1205 print#4,s$;"[198]ormat:     ........ 40 column       ........ 80 column"cr$
  44. 1210 print#4,s$;"[206]ame of submission:........................................."cr$
  45. 1220 print#4,s$;"[208]rogramming languages used:................................."cr$
  46. 1230 print#4,s$;"[211]tart-up filename:.........................................."cr$
  47. 1240 print#4,s$;"[198]iles used:................................................."cr$
  48. 1250 print#4,s$;"           ................................................."cr$
  49. 1260 print#4,s$;"[208]urpose:...................................................."cr$cr$
  50. 1270 print#4,s$;"[201], ............................, hereby certify that as of"
  51. 1280 print#4,s$;".................. the submission described above and in the"
  52. 1290 print#4,s$;"accompanying documentation is my own original work and that"
  53. 1300 print#4,s$;"it has not been previously published and is not currently"
  54. 1310 print#4,s$;"under consideration by another publisher."cr$
  55. 1320 print#4,s$;"[206][207][212][197]: [193]dventure games require complete maps and complete"
  56. 1330 print#4,s$;"solutions.  [211]ource code [205][213][211][212] accompany machine language"
  57. 1340 print#4,s$;"files.  [211]ubmissions must be on a 5 1/4"chr$(34)" disk.  [208]rograms must"
  58. 1350 print#4,s$;"include all files necessary to run them (this includes"
  59. 1360 print#4,s$;"documentation on use of the program)."cr$
  60. 1370 print#4,s$;"[193]ll submissions (disks and accompanying printed material)"
  61. 1380 print#4,s$;"[205][213][211][212] be labeled with the author's name, complete address,"
  62. 1390 print#4,s$;"telephone number(s), submission name and type of computer."
  63. 1410 print#4:close4:goto10
  64. 2000 gosub3000:ifok=0then10
  65. 2010 gosub4000:if(ab)then10
  66. 2020 open4,4,7
  67. 2022 print#4,spc(25)"[204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210] [211]ubscription [210]ates"cr$cr$
  68. 2024 print#4,spc(8)"[196][207][205][197][211][212][201][195]"spc(15)"[195][193][206][193][196][193] and [205][197][216][201][195][207]"spc(10)"[207][212][200][197][210] [198][207][210][197][201][199][206]"
  69. 2026 print#4
  70. 2028 print#4,"..... 3 issues - $19.95"spc(4)"..... 3 issues - $24.95";
  71. 2030 print#4,spc(3)"..... 3 issues - $27.95"cr$
  72. 2032 print#4,"..... 6 issues - $39.95"spc(4)"..... 6 issues - $49.95";
  73. 2034 print#4,spc(3)"..... 6 issues - $59.95"cr$
  74. 2036 print#4,"..... 12 issues - $69.95"spc(3)"..... 12 issues - $79.95";
  75. 2038 print#4,spc(2)"..... 12 issues - $99.95"cr$
  76. 2040 print#4,"..... 24 issues - $119.95"spc(2)"..... 24 issues - $129.95";
  77. 2042 print#4," ..... 24 issues - $169.95"cr$cr$
  78. 2044 print#4,spc(23)"[204]ouisiana residents add 4% sales tax."cr$cr$cr$
  79. 2046 print#4,spc(30)"[208][204][197][193][211][197] [208][210][201][206][212]"cr$cr$
  80. 2048 print#4,spc(15)"[206]ame:........................................."cr$
  81. 2050 print#4,spc(15)"[193]ddress:......................................"cr$
  82. 2052 print#4,spc(15)"[195]ity:........................................."cr$
  83. 2054 print#4,spc(15)"[211]tate and [218][201][208]:................................"cr$cr$
  84. 2060 print#4,spc(15)"......[205]astercard"spc(10)"......[196][201][211][195][207][214][197][210]"cr$
  85. 2062 print#4,spc(15)"......[214][201][211][193]"spc(16)"......[193]merican [197]xpress"cr$cr$
  86. 2064 print#4,spc(15)"[195]ard [206]umber:............................."cr$
  87. 2066 print#4,spc(15)"[197]xpiration [196]ate:........................."cr$cr$cr$
  88. 2068 print#4,spc(15)"[211]ignature:..............................."cr$
  89. 2100 print#4:close4:goto10
  90. 3000 ok=0:open15,4,15:close15
  91. 3010 ifst=0thenok=-1:return
  92. 3030 print"error:  printer not ready!"
  93. 3040 fora=1to2000:next:return
  94. 3050 :
  95. 4000 print"set printer to top of paper "
  96. 4010 print"      press space to print"
  97. 4015 print"         or a to abort"
  98. 4020 geta$:ifa$<>"a"anda$<>" "then4020
  99. 4030 ab=.:ifa$="a"thenab=-1
  100. 4040 return
  101. 4050 :
  102. 60000 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
  103. 60010 ifer<>63thenend
  104. 60020 print"[147]":poke53281,7
  105. 60030 print"[158]load"chr$(34)"hello connect"chr$(34)",8"
  106. 60040 print"run"
  107. 60050 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2